Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Coach case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coach case - Essay ExampleThis model focused on providing indirect gross sales to other third parties thus increasing the number of sales of products and thus increasing its brand sentience in the market.These two strategies enabled Coach Company to extend to its two primary strategic objectives which were to increase the international distribution of its products and to also improve the store sales productivity. Therefore, through these two strategies, the company has been able to attain competitive advantage over its major rivals, however, it was not certain whether the firm could match some of its flowering rivals such as Dolce and Gabbana, and Versace.Coach Company has the principal strength of adequately competing with its competitors on its exceedingly unique and superior luxury goods. Besides the companys products has an innovative styling that has played a immense role in attracting new customers. Comparatively, Coach Company products are available at major outlets and sell at price less than 50% or more than its chief competitors in the luxury manufacture. In addition, the company has delivered extra services to the customers such as customer care to cater for their queries whenever they occur. As a result, the company has experienced increased customer satisfaction and loyalty from its customers.Equally important, Coach engaged in strategic associations with other major company such as Movado thereby broadening their market segment. This idea of outsourcing has not only enabled them to cut their maintenance costs but to lower their manufacturing costs as well. This has therefrom increased their competitive advantages in the luxury industry.The companies has also various internal weaknesses which should be managed appropriately. For instance, the luxury industry is characterized by rampant change in the fashion trends. This has thus led the factory outlet stores to travel by the retail price stores. Therefore, the companys products and brand are diluted due to the

Monday, April 29, 2019

Theories of visual culture and social semiotics Assignment

Theories of ocular gardening and amicable semiotics - appellative ExampleInfusing the opthalmic horti glossiness studies especially in art education contends embracing the postmodern conceptions and make up a challenge to the modern ideals. Also, it involves the instructions whereby there is knowledge sharing among all the learners. The images are critically examined with intelligent and understanding actions as the aim rather than artistic appreciation. One of the main aims of art facilitators is to involve students in learning activities, both through and in art. Nevertheless, most of the facilitators do argue that visual culture art education offer a successful means of engagement. Although the lessons may originate from the visual culture theory, they may result in the lessons which may go back to modern concepts and ideas as well as principles of mastermindal design. However, one of the key shortcomings of the programs is caused by the counterfeit logic that may result from the use of the formalised theories so as to discuss and understand very well the concept of visual culture and postmodernism(Pincus, 2011). The visual culture theory usually requires that the artwork should be put into consideration in relation to the social context and the social context. Cultural studies The theory of visual culture is critically indebted to some(prenominal) form of heathen studies. In essence, the idea of cultural studies is a very complicated and interdisciplinary field. It was first discussed in England in early 1960s, but currently it is a global field of subscribe to. It is mainly concerned with endowment significance to cultural practices in terms of peoples experiences as well as the morphologic dynamics of modernize society. According to Harrison, (2003), he argues that the theory bases on the belief that the society should be incorporated and that the signifying practices should be seen as a means of maintaining and establishing power. However , people can interpret for themselves. The latest studies on visual culture, which emerged in the mid 1990s, are much diversified and it advocates most on the critical edge of the cultural studies. A visual culture study, as a field, encompasses two main principle concerns. These are the megascopic objects and our perception on them normally called the seen and the seer. With this respect, visual culture studies have no significant difference of opinion from other philosophical studies. This is because its concerns aim at giving a clear description of the objects under study and their natural aesthetic gaze. However, the main difference is the fact that visual culture studies put into consideration a lot of artifacts and several ways of appearance as opposed to philosophical aesthetics. The studies of visual culture palm the inner meaning of the images in photography, advertising and painting. Visual culture refers to those cultural aspects which are manifested in glaring form i. e. paintings, photographs, prints, video and scene images. They mainly focus on images themselves so that they can bring disclose the cultural link attach to them (Herrmann, 2005). At some instance, it is very difficult to distinguish regalia from images. This is because some images appear real since they give an expression and representation of constituted reality (Pincus, 2011). The approach of visual culture from the visual culture studies begin and end with the contemporary cultural sites.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

E-Business Strategy-Company Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

E-Business Strategy-Company Report - Essay ExampleFinally, these three proposals are evaluated on the basis of advantages, risks, cost, resourcing and development timescales of each.A new concept that has emerged from the World Wide Web is of education on the web E- directing 1, 2. E-learning has provided students an opportunity to learn even after school hours. Through such platforms they can interact with their teachers, fellow students 3. Saudi Arabia has launched its efforts in the field of e-learning it is being used in several schools and universities 6, 7, 8.The following figure shows the results of a study conducted by Al-Nuaim 11, in which students were compared on the basis of their performance when some of them were taught the same content face-to-face and some were taught online. nance Abdulaziz University is named after the establisher of Saudi Arabia. It was made in 1967 with the vision of spreading quality education in the occidental part of the country. It is located in the city of Jeddah.A group of entrepreneurs went to King Faisal with the proposal of making a university of world class standard so that their youth can also compete with the world. King Faisal gave his luxuriant support to the idea and announced that it will be a national university. A committee was organise which was headed by King Faisal himself 4. It has contributed to the field of e-learning to a great extent due to which Deanship of Distance knowledge was established in 2004 10.The university has the objective to spread the knowledge of Islamic values and the highest quality of academic knowledge. They loss to promote the element of innovative, superior and comprehensive research in a diverse range of fields, so that they can play their part in the development of the society. Their objective is to make their students competent professionals who possess olympian skills 4.The university has more than 120,000 students there is an almost

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Industrial relation_Changes to Employment Legislation in Singapore Essay

Industrial relation_Changes to Employment Legislation in Singapore - Essay ExampleThe trade unions are lawful and they attend to to resolve the conflicts between the employees and employers (Clegg, 1975, 14-25). The Singapore system is a cooperative Tripartism, wherein the union, government and the vigilance participate. The Industrial and Employment Laws are amended as per the perspectives of the Tripartite. These laws are amended traveling bagd on authoritative changes in the Singapore market, work forces, Labour relations and several other essential factors. 2. Reasons for the changing occupy up of the workforce in Singapore since the start of the 21st century The Singapore Tripartism Forum or the STF), created by NTUC (National Trades Union Congress), Singapore National Employers league (SNEF) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM), was launched on the 24th of January 2007 by prime(a) Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong. It is a forum which is designed to enhance the strength of tripar tism the tripartners being the Union, Government and the employers. The forum provides an impressive framework which can help to overcome the economic challenges which are being encountered by Singapore. The economic scrap and exertion-management relation harmony would be benefitted by the inclusion of this framework. Objectives as per. Chuan-Jin (17 April 2012) are Job re-creation Enhancing skills ski lift retirement age, Upgrading of the workforce, Flexible wage system Promotion of the fair employment practices as per John Benson, Ying Zhu, PH. 2011. The three-way partners are as follows The Ministry of Manpower As per the Ministry of Manpower (2012), this organisation aspires to develop globally competitive labour /workforce. It also grows at developing a better workplace and achieving a cohesive society. In addition, the aim is to achieve a secure and stable economic future. The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) It is a field of study level confederation of trade unio ns in public sectors and industrial domains representing 500,000 workers. It comprises of 62 unions and 6 taxi associations, which are all affiliated. The objective of this organisation is to make the workers employable for their lifetime and to enhance the social status of these workers. As per NTUC (2010), it aims at enhancing the competitive environment and also for enhancing the health conditions of the employees. These laws apply to all ages and nationality. The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) This federation was set up in 1980. It is a trade union of employees, which is meant to preserve industrial harmony. It is apply to help the employees to achieve excellence. As per the Annual Report SNEF (2009), SNEF has over 2000 members employing 54000 workers. It plays a key role in facilitating tripartite partnership. As expressed by Clegg (1975, p. 309-316), tripartism theme is that men associate together to come along their common interests and desires their associa tions exert pressure on each other and on the government the concessions which follow help to bind society together thereafter stability is maintained by further concessions and adjustments as in the buff associations emerge and power shifts from one group to another. As per the publication, Changes to Employment Act (2009), Ministry of Manpower, the following factors are the base reasons for the amendment in the Employment Act

Friday, April 26, 2019

Training and developing an age diverse workforce in SMEs Assignment

Training and developing an age diverse workforce in SMEs - Assignment Exampleso offers important clarifications in deliberate to T&D plans developed in SMEs, especially in regard to the differences between these plans and those used in large firms. At a starting era level, it is noted that the owners of SMEs pitch to face diversitys on a continuous basis. Large firms may also have to face such problem but with the following difference for SMEs failing in coping with change could result to the closure of the business while in large firms funds and time could retrieved easier for managing the particular situation. some other important issue highlighted in the particular obligate is the following one in SMEs the success of T&D is strongly depended on the skills and capabilities of owners who are those who will undertake all tasks related to T&D, including the form and monitoring phases of the T&D plan involved (Beaver and Hutchings 2005). In addition, divergent modes of T&D ap pear to be preferred in SMEs, compared to the large firms in SMEs on-the-job training schemes (Beaver and Hutchings 2005, p.593) seem to be preferred while in large firms off-the-job T&D schemes (Beaver and Hutchings 2005, p.593) are quite common. Especially in regard to the T&D schemes for diverse workforce, SMEs can be more effective, since the smaller number of employees allows the limitation of time for copying with change. The above characteristic of SMEs is described as their major advantage in regard to the concern of diversity, an activity that it is closely related to the identification of effective T&D schemes (Beaver and Hutchings 2005, p.599).Since 2005, the time point to which the article of Beaver and Hutchings refers, a series of changes has introduced in regard to the working environment. These changes vary, covering different areas. The specific phenomenon is reflected in the literature published in this area.Depending on the type of change involved in organizatio nal environment, different initiatives in regard to a firms T&D schemes would be

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The theme of the short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Essay

The subject field of the short story Young Goodman cook by Nathaniel Hawthorne - Essay ExampleUsually, this mannequin of negative result did meet a deadly result on the disrespected woman. It has been noted that the stories that were penned down before 1842 had a female char motioner that was destroyed only by accident and not by intention alone. The story has shown the fault of a man from his normal state to that of an abnormal one where he abandoned meeting with eachone and so in the end coming back to his life and restoring normal relationships with all that were important to him and more than that, his wife.A number of authors have made note of the fact that Browns departure from faith and reliance was not an act on purpose since Brown actually planned on returning to her after the forest trip. scarce there is a belief that the very act of the man leaving the woman shows the males indifference to the protection related with their females. Thus it is viewed as the wo c ustody are in reality viewed as somewhat a kind of sexual beings and men as sexually frozen pieces. The mans lack of sexual desire is what has been truly kill the woman of late and it basically allows for the man to continue living in a hollow life. This is true(a) that this does not necessarily mean the real nature of women but about the way in which men imagine of them. Hawthornes men are obsessed with females but the only way they can fudge any connection with women is through fantasy or by performing some fantasy-related activities that are not considered remove by the female populace.The family ties play a huge role here as husband and wife are considered as the two wheels of a car, the car being the home in this point. These two have to gel together emotionally as well as physically in order to make their individual lives easy and the people who are attached with them within the household. Family ties definitely help the Young Goodman Brown as the writer has suggested that in the long run, it is the family which plays its due

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Chipotle Mexican Grill in Japan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chipotle Mexican Grill in Japan - As markerment ExampleHowever, over-regulation continues to restrain the economic growth and slows down the investment. To over uprise this Chipotle must come up with a strategy that lead make the market more accessible. Many governments continue to step in in the trade and Japan is no exception. Tariffs, subsidies, and currency controls are some of the policies that chipotle has to put into consideration. Chipotle must sign a legal contract with the government of Japan through the law applicable to the contract, stating precisely the obligations and the methods of foot race the business (Yoshitomi, 6).With the high advancement of technology in Japan, many fast food shops have follow a method where customers buy tickets for the food they want over the counter. Chipotle uses this method in all our restaurants and this will work to their advantage.The political environment is conducive since the country is politically stable and policies for foreign investments have already been put into place. In such a stable environment, Chipotle will definitely thrive in

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Company Law - English law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company Law - English constabulary - Case Study ExampleCommentators have attempted to categorise those decisions under various headings, such as agency, fraud, group enterprise, tort and so forth6. What is clear on a close reading of the cases which have marvellous Salomon is that the appeals will only interfere - by lifting the veil of incorporation - where there is clear evidence of misplay or where they are required to interfere by Statute. There is therefore a presumption that members of a limited attach to are only liable to the extent of any unpaid amount on nominal value of their shares unless wrongdoing can be established.LJM Limited seems to have been incorporated for the touch on intention of providing a vehicle for the directors Jean, Lynette and Lauren to unlawfully deprive W&H Limited, its shareholders and its members of its corporate assets and any retained profits from the outside(a) contract.There is authority to suggest that the courts will lift the veil to pr event evasion of an existing obligation7 and the court will grant an injunction/specific performance in that instance. For a short while it as well seemed to be the case that the court would lift the veil where there was clear evidence of asset stripping. In Creasey v. Breachwood Motors Ltd 19928 proprietors of Breachwood Welwyn Ltd transferred that companys assets to the defendant company. The evidence indicated that the defendant company had been formed for the sole purpose of avoiding the payment of a square wrongful dismissal claim. Breachwood Welwyn Ltd was then struck off the company register following the procedure determined down in Section 652 of the Companies Act 1985 hence depriving the plaintiff of any redress. Robert Southwell QC, sitting as delegate High Court Judge, held that the plaintiff could present his claim for damages directly against the new company, Breachwood Motors Limited, as its sole purpose was to strip Breachwood Welwyns assets and deprive Creasey o f redress. The decision in Creasey was unequivocally overruled in Ord & Another v Belhaven Pubs Ltd 1998 by the Court of Appeal. Hobhouse L.J said Creasey v. Breachwood . represents a wrong adoption of the principle of piercing the corporate veil. Therefore, in my head the case of Creasey v. Breachwood should no longer be treated as authoritative.The Court of Appeal cited its anterior decision in Adams v. Cape Industries plc 19909 where plaintiffs were not able to seek redress from a holding company when its subsidiary (the defendant) went into liquidation. The House of Lords have endorsed this stricter interpretation of Salomon more recently in Williams v. Natural Life health Foods Ltd 199810. In that case a exemption company had already gone into liquidation by the while a misrepresentation was discovered. The plaintiff sought redress directly from the sole director of the former franchise company. Their Lordships held not only that the corporate veil was sacrosanct and shou ld only be lifted in the some

Monday, April 22, 2019

Manufacturing Technologies - Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Manufacturing Technologies - 1 - Assignment Example382). In the present technologically ever-changing environment, the makers of goods and services need to improve on their current harvest-feasts to survive. Hence demand forecasting is crucial for the companies to involve their product satisfy the needs of the consumer. Hence the concept of Product life cycle is very important. It is a tool through which we tin analyse the demand within an persistence. Through this PLC, it is possible to identify when a product needs to be replaced to make way for another product so that the manufacturer can make decision of introducing another new product replacing the existing one so that the manufacturer can earn profit (Gillies, 1996, p. 127). According to PLC theory a firm in any industry can predict the shift of product from one stage to another and hence will be able to adopt proper marketing-mix polices like when to replace a product with newer improved version to accumulate the expecta tions of the consumers. In 2004, the replacement purchases accounted for 55% of the digital camera sales, 63% of cell phones sales and 82% of reckoner sales. Product Life Cycle A product life cycle shows the sales pattern a product over a period of time. The time span begins with the period of introduction and ends with replacement of the product. raw material Stages in the Product Life Cycle Figure 1 Product Life Cycle opening / Development stage. Growth Stage Maturity Stage Decline Stage Here we will cut down mainly on the Maturity Stage. It is here where the manufacturer has to get rid of old products and enumerate come out with strategies to rebrand the old products or manufacture and altogether new products in their portfolio of products. In the Maturity stage the product looking ats lot of market competitors and hence the profit declines as percentage of the sales (Grieves, 2006, p. 23). Hence companies when facing this has to come up with strategies to preserve their c ustomer base and achieve profitability. Automobile Industry Figure 2 PLC of car Industry In automobile industry the car manufacturers needs to replace their old cars with new cars to work the demand and needs of the customers. Automobile industry faces extraordinary level of competition, which make the carmakers produce cars with a high degree of differentiation (Kumar and Krob, 2006, p. 114). This makes the demand oftentimes elastic in nature and hence the carmakers are face with making new cars. In the 1970s most of the western car makers were in the saturation stages. standardised in USA and Europe there was a demand of high motorization rate i.e. more(prenominal) car per person and hence the car manufactures had to make new products. The consumers decision to purchase a new car is based primarily on the search for a better car with more innovative solutions than ever before (Jones and Mathew, 2008, p. 384). Hence to retain the old customers and get new ones, the carmakers must rear new or better products to the customers at any time the customers decide. Car makers know that any ride out in the product innovation across the product life cycle will result in potential loss of consumer base. Whenever a car manufacturer comes out with newer car model, large manufacturers have economies of get over so that they can easily make the use of their resources and manufacture the new cars at a much reduced cost. Sometimes re launching of new car is not the only option. Car manufacturers sometimes decide to rebrand their

History of Protests in Government Contracting Research Paper

History of Protests in Government catching - Research Paper ExampleIt is as well applied as a method of acquiring go as good as supplies from non-federal sources. There are essentially six different phases which for implementing the government spotting processes such as procurement planning, solicitation planning, solicitation, source selection, funk administration and contract closure (Rendon 9-14). It is deserving mentioning in this regard that the ultimate mission of government contracting is to develop an environment for small as well as disadvantaged businesses to participate in contract awards of the federal government as well as in major subcontract awards. Furthermore, government contacting assists small businesses in the procurement processes to obtain great competencies in the federal world (SBA. GOV, Office of Government Contracting). Government contracting is also considered to be an alpha method of assessing opportunities for businesses. It is in this context th at government contracting is often utilized for acquiring important information with the objective of less riskier performance of businesses along with competitiveness in the global market (Ameri weed sway Company, An Introduction to Government Contracting). ... the discussion will also emphasize on the evaluation of contract protests which include the Administrative Procedure Act, 1946 and the Completion in Contracting Act (CICA), 1984. 1.0. Discuss the three ship empennageal an offerer can protest (Agency, GAO, COFC) An offeror who is not satisfied with the government contracting method can adapt three ways or procedures for protesting against the method. One of the options to protest against the government contracting method is by filing a playing period protest. The bid protest can be lodged with the agency, where an agency- aim bid protest is require to be resolved by a Contracting Officer (CO). The bid protest can also be filed with the Government Accountability Officer ( GAO), or with the US Court of national Claims (COFC). However, according to the enacted rules and policies, an offeror filing a protest at the agency level is required to lodge a bid protest before the GAO or COFC. Moreover, if the offeror is required to file a protest bid with the GAO, he/she needs to file another bid protest to the COFC as well (Schaengold, Guiffre, and Gill, Choice of Forum for Federal Government Contract proffer Protests). Agency Level An offeror who is disappointed with government contracting can file a bid protest with the agency. In this procedure, protests which are made at the agency level are sorted out by the CO or by any higher permit at the primary level. Many a times, protests at the agency level can also be decided by high ranking positives of an agency or by any other official who is not involved with the procurement process (Schaengold, Guiffre, and Gill, Choice of Forum for Federal Government Contract Bid Protests). It is worth mentioning in th is context that protests which are filed with the agency are required to be precise and

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Conflict Management Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflict Management Strategies - Assignment ExampleThis approach helps in maintaining imperative and stable relationships among employees such relationships are considered more important than competition between the parties (Jones and Brinkert, 2007).Yielding is the close to allow for troth management dodging in Scenario one because it is evident that parties are interested only in pushing their own preferences without listening to each other, which may be counterproductive and harmful in the vast run. Therefore, yielding will help avoid ugliness and negative consequences of continuing contention.In Scenario 2, avoiding will be the most appropriate conflict management strategy. Dana (2000) notes that avoiding is a strategy where a party to a conflict does not pursue his own concerns or that of the other party, immediately. This implies that he does not seek to address the conflict. This strategy is considered as a diplomatic way of postponing or sidestepping an issue until a t ime when it can be considered proper to deal with it, or let the conflict to fade away on its own. It is also a way of withdrawing from a berth that is viewed as threatening. Most conflict management professions argue that this method may cause more problems to the existing situation because failure to address conflict situations may allow the situation to get out of control. However, it is the preferred strategy in certain situations.Scenario 2 calls for avoiding because the decisions that the Engineering department wants to be deliberated upon have little or no impact at all to the departments ability to develop a marketing program for the new product. As such, deliberating on the decision is not so much necessary and can be avoided altogether because its impacts are negligible.Considering the issues brought out in Scenario 3, compromising is the most appropriate conflict management strategy. Compromising strategy is where both parties seek to arrive at mutually- grateful solut ion which satisfies both parties,

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Minimum Wage Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Minimum Wage Law - Essay ExampleTheir intent was to run aground a national minimum standard of living and stabilize the economy by regulating pay back of the poorest social class. The outcomes from this grand experiment are varied. Social activists maintain that it prevents greedy businesses and heartless corporations from exploiting the lowest lucre earners. Economists hypothesize that it may actually reduce employment and deepen the wounds of poverty. Politicians seek to justify the law to constitutive(prenominal) consumers and small business owners (many of whom pay must pay part-time workers above their market value). This paper go forth examine issues surrounding the Minimum Wage Law to determine the best approach for assuring low-end net earners survive in a free-market society.Minimum wages ability to strengthen the economy remains root word to intense analysis and research. Legislators intend the law to provide workers and their families with a livable wage, yet many move whether it achieves that or whether it fits into our free market society. The New Deal and its associated recovery programs were viewed by some as a drastic control of capitalist exploitation, involving a socially planned economy in which the depersonalized pursuit of clubby profit is subject to check at a thousand strategic points (MacIver 836). In spite of these goals, conventional capitalists contend that the law contributes to inflation, creates unemployment, and harms small businesses. Some go so far as to call it unconstitutional and counter to the spirit of free market economics.Regardless of whether minimum wage fits into our free market ideology, leaders have an obligation to implement policies that offer significant overall benefits to the good of its citizens, especially those in the approximately need. This leads to three questions about regulating base pay First, is it necessary to alleviate suffering, hunger, or inhumane misery? Second,

Friday, April 19, 2019

Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought Essay

Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought - Essay ExampleIn the realms of romanticism, a number of examples live helped pack to understand the kind of philosophical thought that passes through the minds of characters and people and what changes their minds with respect to the relationships that they share with people around them. In modern day society, such a thought process might prevail changed but is inherently very similar to the days of yore. When talking about cultural mutation, one end easily witness changes taking place in modern day society with respect to the organic law of global economies and socio-cultural scenarios. As compared to the past, in order to depict the growth in thought, one should be satisfactory to determine the causes and inferences of the Lutheran Reformation, victory of the usage of empirical methods and statistical data in order to present scientific methods rather than relying on normative thought processes. (Triki, Rachida) Furthermore, the journey of conversion from the identity of a virtuoso to a saint also finds a very promising exemplary while discussing the power and open up Renaissance Empire during the time of Michelangelo.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Analysis of Concepts Brought out by Marx, Smith, Mill and Walzer Essay

Analysis of Concepts Brought out by Marx, Smith, Mill and Walzer - Essay ExampleThese rights granted the citizens a level of indecorum but it was not sufficient. However, governments objected a second step to set a social check committee. Setting it up would ensure that the government did not use power to oppress its subjects. In addition, Mill describes a different era of governance when people believed that they come throughd liberty. This is the era when the citizens chose leaders who would represent their popular opinion in the government. The leaders represented the opinion and views of the citizens, keeping their personal views to themselves. Although the citizens felt more represented by this form of governance, it brought about the controlling power of the majority and this denied the self-cultivating autonomous soulfulness the right to exercise his or her freedom to hold and practice a different opinion from what the majority holds. Society exerts the compulsion on an in dividual to follow the opinion of the majority. Mill refers to this control as worse than that of tyrannies. According to Mill, society should not hold the majoritys opinion as absolute truth. The majority can be persecute at times, whereas the minority opinion is right. In most cases, accepting of the majoritys opinion is without intellectual (Jones 27). In addition, refuting of the minoritys opinion is without meaningful analysis. ... According to Mill, absolute liberty should be an materialization of ones conscience and should entail freedom of thought and feeling. In addition, one should have the liberty to express and make public his opinion as well as pursue his or her interests and fellow traveler freely with a group. Society should set each individual free to exercise creativity in thought and action. This will encourage diversity in society. Walzer expressed his views on the continuous struggle to achieve equality in society. In his opinion, there are many inequalities in the world because people give birth the things that they do not honestly deserve. A great majority of people having a lot of currency have not worked for it. Once they are in possession of money, they get access to a widely variety of goods and operate. Essentially, some people in possession of certain goods do not deserve them at all. Some doctors buy certificates without the right academic qualifications. Others get access to power because they have money. Walzer wrote his essay in response to Kristols ideas and questions (Jones 29). According to Walzer, equality is important in society and is achievable if distribution of goods and services depends on need and qualification. His illustration of the wealthy accessing medical services because they have money and not because of wellness issues shows the irony in society. It is clear that some people have access to services and goods they do not need. Logically, altogether the sick and not the wealthy should have access to me dical services. If services and goods are only accessible to those in need, a level of equality in society is attainable. Other goods should come into an individuals possession when they qualify to own them. In addition, one should work hard enough to

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Destination Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Destination trade - Essay ExampleDefinition of Destination Marketing The end point endpoint marketing can be defined as one of the innovative strategies in nightclub to get an edge over other competitive destinations. It can be revealed that marketing the destination of the phaeton should tend to complement with the strategic objectives of the stakeholders as easily as the sustainability of the local resources. It is worth mentioning that the destinations need to sprout innovative strategies and make their products distinct from those of their competitors by conducting research so that they can make and display the unparalleled value. Destinations can as well expand partnership with various public as well as private sectors at various levels of the destination counseling so that they can stimulate the delivery tool quite promptly and effectively. It can further be argued that with the advancement of technology such as web-based advancemental measures, the competition become s more pronounced by enhancing visibility, reducing the cost as well as increase the local co-operation. Therefore, tourism marketing can be envisioned as one of the important step in the direction of ensuring optimisation of the impacts that tourism has and in the achievement of the stakeholders strategic objectives. It is worth mentioning that the destination marketing must be formed in connection to the western business model in order to lookout for the greater interest of the destinations and the stakeholders who argon directly or indirectly associated with the task of promotion and development of the destinations (Swain, n.d.). The destination marketing can be considered as being an essential part of mounting as well as increasing the popularity of the particular location. It has been apparent that several epochs the tourist planners lucre more attention towards the development of the tourism while focusing less on retaining and preserving the attributes attracting the trav ellers towards the destinations. Moreover, the tourism destinations are quite difficult products to market which makes use of huge number of the stakeholders. The other thing which is worth mentioning in this regards is that the destination manager has less control over the brand image. The level of complexity as well as diversity has been well known by the tourism planners which make the brand development a difficult and cumbersome task for the national, local and regional tourism organisations. The destination marketing involves attention of the tourist-related organisations towards the destinations. The stakeholders panorama challenges in developing a coherent theme for the destination brands. Due to the cut throat competition, the differentiate to the success of business is building and maintenance of the brand values. There has been a shift of brand management from peripheral marketing concern to the core business strategy (Ana, 2004). Development History of Destination Marke ting The history of destination marketing can be traced back to nineteenth century in the USA. It was the time when meetings and conventions were attracted. The formal commencement of the US

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Position of women in 16 and 17 century Essay Example for Free

Position of women in 16 and 17 snow EssayWomen were challenged with expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused to grant merit to womens views. Cultural and semipolitical events during these centuries increased attention to womens issues such as education reform. Though modern feminism was non-existent.The social coordinate women limited opportunities for involvement they served largely as managers of their households. Women were expected to focus on practical domestic pursuits and activities that advance the betterment of their families, and more particularly, their husbands. Education for women was not supportedharmful to the traditional female virtues of innocence and morality. Women who round out against the patriarchal system of gender mappings, or any injustice, ran the risk of being exiled from their communities, or worse vocal unmarried women in particular were the targets of witch-hunts.The seventeenth century women continued to play a si gnificant, though not acknowledged, role in economic and political structures with their primarily domestic activities.They often acted as counselors in the home, tempering their husbands words and actions. Women were discouraged from directly expressing political views counter to their husbands or to broadly chafe established systems nevertheless, many women were able to make public their private views through the veil of personal, religious writings. sexual unionThe seventeenth century represents a fascinating period of English history, drawing the attention of whole generations of historians. This annoyed age saw three major events that had a deep impact on England s political as well as social lifethe English whirling, the Restoration of the Stuarts in 1660 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688. Amidst the turmoil of the events, peoples everyday lives unfolded. While it was mens preoccupation to maintenance the countrys political and economic affairs going, women had an indis pensable, though far less public, part to play. This study aims at providing an outline of the seventeenth-century English uniting, viewed from the womans perspective. It touches upon topics such as concluding marriages, basic marriage values, duties of a married woman and possibilities of divorce. Attention is paid to the areas in which theseventeenth-century reality was different from todays.In seventeenth-century England, marriage and sexual morals played a far more important social role than nowadays. A family centred around a married couple represented the basic social, economic and political unit. In the Stuart period, a husbands rule over his wife, children and servants was seen as an analogy to the kings persist over his peoplea manifestation of a hierarchy constituted by God. A woman was regarded as the weaker vessel (a phrase taken from the New Testament)a creature physically, intellectually, morally and even spiritually inferior to a man therefore, the man had a right to dominate her (Fraser 1981 1).In a confederation strongly influenced by Puritan values, sexual integrity and the status of a married person gave a woman respectability and social prestige. This, together with the fact that it was very difficult for women to find ways of reservation an independent living, meant that securing a husband was a matter of great importance. Theoretically, it was likely for two people to bind very young. The minimum legal age was 12 years for women and 14 years for men. In addition, it was possible for the couple to get engaged at the age of 7, with the right to break off the engagement on reaching the minimum age of consent (Stone 1965 652). However, early marriages were rather rarethe average age of the newlyweds was virtually 25 years.Interestingly, the basic requirement for a legally valid marriage was not a courtly consecration in a church, but the completion of a marriage contract, commonly called spousals. Spousals were an act in which the b ride and gear up said their vows in the present tenseper verba de prasenti (Ingram 1987 126). In a majority of cases, this procedure was accompanied by a church ceremony (banns). Yet if the marriage was concluded without witnesses and not consecrated in a church, it had the same legal validity. This practice had existed in England since the twelfth century and lasted till 1753. Not having to go through a church ceremony made it possible for lovers to marry secretly, without the knowledge of their parents. In this way, they could escape the dynastic scheming of their families.

Hambalang Case Essay Example for Free

Hambalang Case Essay1. Create a short summary of the drive and explain (a) who the suspects / Convicts are and (b) what criminal charges are brought against them Hambalang is the chance regarding the construction of Centre for Education, Training and the National pastime School (P3SON Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sekolah Olahraga Nasional) which is a multi-year project the Ministry of Youth and Sports. P3SON planned to be built on a work area of 312 thousand hectares in the village of Hambalang, Bogor regency and projected budget consuming Rp2, 58 trillion. Which is violated regularisation of the Minister of Finance. 56/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No.. 45/2007.Two ministers have non signed, but the funds are liquid. If the view of the BPK audit dated October 30, 2012 (Rizal open the audit documents), he was associated with the melt down process advances Hambalang Project. CPC carryd, Due to multi-year contract approval process violated prov isions, then the parent contract should non happen, then the remaining unspent advance money in the amount of Rp116, 9 billion, an indication of pronounce losses. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK likewise found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began.On thorium (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the delegating. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. In the Partner Selection Process least 19 the great unwashed suspected to be involved. Namely Andi Mallarangeng (ex Affairs), Wafid Muharam (Sesmenpora), Wisler Manalu (Kemenpora Procurement Committee). Jilani (Kemenpora Procurement Committee member), Bambang Siswanto (Secretary of the Procurement Committee Kemenpora) Rio Wilarso (Planning Bureau cater Kemenpora), M Arifin (Commissioner of metaphor Global Solutions / MSG). Asep W ibowo (Marketing Manager of PT MSG), Husni Al-Huda (PT staff Yodya work). Safe Santoso (Director of PT Cipta Mandiri Ciriajasa / CCM), Mulyatno (Marketing Manager PT CCM) Aditya Gautama (staff PT CCM), Rudi Hamarul (staff PT CCM), RM Suhartono (staff PT CCM).Joseph Sholikin (staff PT CCM), Malemteta Ginting (Staff PT CCM Construction Management Team Leader at the same time). Suhanta firm (staff PT Adhi Karya), Arif Taufiqurrahman and Kushadi (staff PT Adhi Karya) Advances inLiquid Processing, in that location are three who was allegedly involved. Ie R Isnanta (Head of Finance Kemenpora). Good Teuku Muh Nur (Head of DK-1 PT Adhi Karya well Authorization Adhi-Wika KSO), Machfud Suroso (President Director of PT Dutasari Citralaras). However, the Commission has set Andi Malarangeng (AM) and the husband of his men as suspects. PM accused of abusing authority. Diversion AM by KPK in planning and disbursement of funds.2. Does the case involve gratification? If yes, towards who and provide explanation to justify your answers Yes, According to CPC finding there are gratifications Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 20113. Does the case involve hollo of power / authority? If yes, explain Whose power is abused, how and in what capacity? Yes, several legislators bribed, minister of youth and sports abstracted in planning and disbursement of funds and the Board of Directors of the company Adhi Karya which channe conduct funds projects to legislators.4. In what way has the case cause losses to the state budget? Abuse of power and bribery to various parties. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK in like manner found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began. On atomic number 90 (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. This loss will cause losses to the state budget.5. Beyond the effective charges, do you see any conflict of interest between the parties INVOLVED? Yes, in this case there is a conflict of interest. At the level of project implementers Hambalang, the brain was Muhammad Arifin. He consultant since the early implementers. He who makes the unit price of finished goods is so high. At one end is Dutasari Citra PT Laras (DCL), the companys largest subcontractor Hambalang Project led Mahfud Suroso wife and Anas Urbaningrum. Mahfud is also a good friend of Anas.PT Dutasaris got mechanical electrical projects, charge a total of Rp295 billion. According tothe audit, here occurs allegations of massive corruption. The second largest sub-contractor company is owned by PT Global Daya Manunggal Prananto Mr. Herman, who got a job with the foundation of the contract value Rp127 billion. So, PT and PT Global Dutasari a subcontractor for 87 percent of the total val ue of projects subcontracted by Rp482, 5 billion. Adhi Karya still amounted to Rp50 billion in arrears to him. In fact, for all Mahfud been paid in full. Suspected of involvement in Anas Urbaningrum as chairman of the pop Party when he received funds for his interest to be elected as chairman of the democratic Party in Congress at that time.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Animal rights Essay Example for Free

Animal rights endeavorUtilitarianism is concerned with joy, and utilitarians accept the idea that value is universal so utilitarians believe that the intrinsic value of happiness it is unaffected by the identity of the being in which it is felt. Thus each counts for iodine, and none for more than one and my own interests cannot count for more, simply because they atomic number 18 my own, than the interests of others. Utilitarians support equality by the equal consideration of interests they wane any arbitrary distinctions as to who is worthy of concern and who isnt. This means that we reject egoism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and other forms of unfair discrimination. It does not mean that we deny that there are differences between individuals or between groups of individuals (some individuals are cleverer, taller, stronger, more frantic etc than others), just that there is no logically compelling reason for assuming that a difference in ability justifies any difference i n the consideration we give to their interests.Utilitarians believe that while happiness, pleasure, joy, satisfaction, ecstasy and so-on are not synonyms, they do all represent positively intrinsically valuable feelings and that the value they represent is of a similar kind, and so is convertible or equivalent (in some proportion). Pain, suffering, unhappiness, agony etc are all regarded withal that the disvalue they represent is convertible, not only with that of the other negative feelings, but with the positive feelings too.This means, for example, that a utilitarian superpower believe that it is worthwhile to endure a certain substance of suffering now, if it ensures a greater amount of happiness later. In classical utilitarianism, happiness is regarded as positively valuable, and unhappiness (pain, suffering etc) is regarded is negatively valuable. disconfirming utilitarianism denies the positive aspect it denies that happiness is intrinsically valuable. By negative utili tarianism, the only goal (the only social occasion which is seen as good) is the reduction of suffering.Regular utilitarians and negative utilitarians agree on some issues, and disagree on others. A standard disagreement is illustrated by the fact that a negative utilitarian would believe that, if it were possible to wipe out all life in the universe instantly and painlessly and permanently, it would be correct and ethically compulsory that we do so (in order to prevent any future suffering). A classical utilitarian might decide either way, depending on their estimation of the relative amounts of future suffering and happiness.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Active Directory database Essay Example for Free

restless Directory database EssayDover Leasing soon has information about all exploiters stored in a database application used by the Human Resources Department. The IT manager has asked you to explore some sorts this information could be used to create exploiter accounts and populate the Active Directory database. Which tools could be used, and what be some issues involved in using these activates? Information about all users has been stored in a database application. On the basis of the available information from the Human Resource Departments database, user accounts have to be created. The main tool for creating and proper managing the user accounts is Active Directory Users and Computers. There are a couple of(prenominal) issues and concerns involved in this specific activity with this tool though the actions and steps are all genuinely simple and straight. The foremost issue understructure be a problem to log in to the Windows fragmentize and also the active direc tory network. Some problem can be due to the account locking issues. In many cases the interactive and user friendly way of user authentication process may be disrupted due to the setting problem.Incorrect user name and password, account disabled, logon hour restrictions, users issues with topical anaesthetic login are some of the concerns which may happen for creating and maintenance of the user accounts. Case Project 7-2 The Dsadd Command is an effective way to create new user accounts from the command line. Write Dsadd statements to create the two users shown in the following chart. totally user accounts should be created in the Users container in your DovercorpXX.local empyrean. Use Help and Support Center to take the switches you need to configure these accounts from the command line. Dsadd user cn= TRucci, cn= Users, dc=DovercorpXX, dc= local memberof cn= Engineering,cn=users,dc= DovercorpXX, dc= local Dsadd user cn= APan, cn= Users, dc=DovercorpXX, dc= local memberof cn = Management,cn=users,dc= DovercorpXX, dc= local Case Project 7-3 Assume your Active Directory channelise contains two domains named trade union and South.A domain dominance named DCN located in the North domain has a folder named StrategicPlan that users in the North domain need to vex. In addition, one manager from both the North and South domains needs to be able to manage data in the StrategicPlan folder. Describe how you would use domain local, spheric, and universal convention scopes to grant access to the StrategicPlan folder. The administrator creates the North and South domain. A domain controller named DCN located in the North domain has a folder named StrategicPlan.The local, global and universal group scopes can be defined in the following way to grant access to the StrategicPlan folder. Create a global group StrategicPlan and add appropriate users to it to access the StrategicPlan folder or we can create an universal group called Universal StrategicPlan and can ad d the global groups which want access to it. If we want to create a local domain group then we can create one and give the required permission to access the folder.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Health Care Conditions Essay Example for Free

Health Care Conditions EssayAs we analyze the factors add to wellness headache costs we must find a solution that provides high-quality care for an aging population. Improvements to unexampled medicine are prolonging life causing a schism between a health care system oriented towards acute care and the increasing inveterate care needs of aged adults. Studies do show that health care costs for older Americans account for one third of all content health care expenditures. This being said the aver develop expenditure for health care services for adults 65 and over is nearly four times the cost of those under 65. More significant changes need to be considered given the financial crisis our health care system faces. Health care costs are non solely due to longevity consider increased utilization, new medical technologies, general inflation, fraud, and waste and abuse. This theme will discuss one article to be used in my final presentation on health care for anaging population. Data collection proceduresThe ingest on chronic health conditions used a questionnaire presented to study participants by in-person and telephone interview using computer-assisted software. They also used the Statistics Canada Canadian fraternity Health Survey (CCHS) for age preponderance patterns and to show how chronic condition prevalence varies by age group. The use of the CCHS survey for historical selective information and comparisons is very appropriate for this study. The use of a questionnaire, while not ideal, is appropriate for the large number of participants. The survey exemplificationd approximately 130,000 people aged 12 years or older. In-person interviews are the most reliable, but the downside to using telephone interviews using computer-assisted software is that participants may go through the questionnaire quickly or skip questions if they are unsure. Identity protection for research subjectsConfidentiality is the protection of reading that an individual has trusted you with and disclosed to you for a particular reason. Informed consent is a process in which the researcher explains to the participant what steps are taken to keep their information confidential and what would happen if at that place were a selective information breach. The participant then has the information needed to determine if this is adequate and whether or not to continue with the project. The article does not discuss the steps taken toprotect the identity of participants. There is no mention of patient record abstraction, personal information collected or informed consent. Reading the article, it is an laying claim that the only information collected was the age and number and type of chronic conditions for each participant. Study reliableness and hardinessThe reliability of this study, that is, the consistency and repeatability of the measure is high. A question related to the number and type of chronic conditions experienced by each participant is reliable a nd is measuring one topic. The questionnaire meets face validity it is a common-sense assessment and the question measures exactly what they want to study. Data analysis proceduresTo answer the research questions, the researchers used info from the CCHS survey to develop a baseline of the number of chronic conditions within certain age groups. That entropy was then projected for 25 years based on the target population which was derived from a ride of the economic demographic system (MEDS) projection. The hypothesis, The expectation is that, as the large baby boom cohort take to the woodss into older age categories, the overall proportion of the population with chronic conditions will increase (Denton Spencer, 2010), is better answered by intercommunicate the number of people in each age group based on historical data and factoring in immigration, emigration, mortality, and fertility rates.I believe this study is quantitative. It involves randomly selected participants, uses face-to-face and phone questionnaires, the data analysis is statistical and is presented in tables and graphs, and is used to recommend a final course of action. The study public figure is descriptive, also called observational. Validity is important in descriptive studies the lower the validity, the more study participants you will need. For an ideal estimate of the relationship between variables, a descriptive study usually needs a sample of hundreds or even thousands of subjects. (Hopkins, 2000) ConclusionIn conclusion, the study shows that more than 2-thirds of the population over the age of 12 has a chronic condition and 90% of them are over the age of 65. The researchers believe that as the participants move into higherage groups the prevalence of chronic conditions will increase, which this study proves. The prevalence rate in 2005 is 68.7% and the prevalence rate in 2030 is 71.9% which is an increase of 3.2%. But how does this affect health care utilization and cost? With a modest reduction in the prevalence of chronic conditions, one-third of the projected increase in health care spending could be cut by 2030. In this study, a modest reduction is expound as reducing the number of chronic conditions by one. Those with three chronic conditions would be reduced to two, two would be reduced to one, and one would be reduced to none.The strengths of this study are the high reliability and validity of the data recorded from the questionnaires. The data analysis and projections based on the target population, adjusted for emigration, immigration, mortality, and fertility was the best option for this type of study. The weaknesses of the study were the inability to abstract data on chronic conditions from the medical records of the participants, and the riddance of participants in institutions which resulted in an under-estimation of chronic conditions in older populations. Another weakness noted by the researchers was that thither was no record of the sev erity of the condition. This does not allow for accurate accounts of those cured of the chronic condition during the study period.ReferencesDenton, F.T., Spencer, B.G. (2010). Chronic health conditions Changing prevalence in an aging population and some implications for the delivery of health care services. Canadian Journal on Aging, 29(1), 11-21. Doihttp//dx/doi.org/10.1017/SO714980809990390 Hopkins, W.G. (2000). Quantitative Research Design. SportsScience, 4(1), retrieved online May 26, 2014 from http//www.sportsci.org/jour/0001/wghdesign.html

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Central Excise Duty Essay Example for Free

Central Excise Duty adjudicateM/s. Technocraft Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the give tongue to assessee) Plot no(prenominal) 518, Adinathnagar, GIDC, Odhav, Ahmedabad were engaged in the manufacture of Roll for bowl Mills and parts falling infra Chapter 84 of Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985.2.During the course of hunt operations carried out by the stainrs of Central Excise (Prev.), Ahmedabad-II at their factory premises, it was revealed that the said assessee had illicitly exone strayd certain goods without entering them in their records and without including the same in their clearance value during the year 2004-05 and 2005-06 their factory. 3.A Show receive noneice was issued by the Asstt. Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II demanding craft of Rs. 3, 08,485/- along with consequential interest and penalty under parting 11AB 11AC of the Central Excise Act, 1944.4.The above Show Cause nary(prenominal)ice was adjudicated by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II vide OIO No. MP/78/Offence/07-08 go out 31.03.2008 confirming the above demand, interest and penalty equal to the concern measuring stick. A penalty of Rs. 10,000/- was imposed on Shri Prakashbhai M. Shah, Partner of M/s. Technocraft Enterprises. The assessee had already paid the duty amount willingly vide TR-6 Challan No. 12 dated 31.07.2006.5.Being aggrieved by the impugned post, the said assessee had filed appeal along with stay screening before the Commissioner ( arouses-I), C. Ex.,Ahmedabad. The stay application was disposed off vide stay order No. 37(Ahd-II)/2008 dated 09.07.2008 wherein under Provision of 35F of the CEA, 1944, the said assessee was directed to pre-deposit 100% of the penalty imposed under the impugned OIO. The assessee complied with the direction of Stay order and pre-deposited penalty amount of Rs. 3,08,485/- vide TR 6 Challan dated 29.07.2008. The Commissioner (Appeals-I), Central Excise, Ahmeda bad vide his OIA No. 154/2008(Ahd-II) CE/ID/Commr. (A)/Ahd dated 16.12.2008 upheld the Order in Original No. MP/78/Offence/07-08 dated 31.03.2008 and rejected the appeal filed by the said assessee.6.Being aggrieved by the OIA, the said assessee filed an appeal before Honble CESTAT, Ahmedabad. The appeal was disposed off by the Honble CESTAT, Ahmedabad vide Order No. A/34-35/WZB/AHD/10 dated 30.12.2009 to the extent that the penalty imposed on the appellant and paid by them is required to be reduced to 25% of the duty. Accordingly the impugned order was modified and penalties reduced to 25% of duty demand. Hence, the assessee applied for the refund of amount of excess penalty pre-deposited by them vide TR 6 Challan dated 29.07.2008 which was sanctioned vide OIO No. MP/36/Refund/10-11 dtd. 01.04.2010.7.Meanwhile being aggrieved with the CESTAT Order, Department filed an appeal before Honble High Court of Gujarat on 22.03.2010, and hence the refund claims of Rs. 2,31,364/- erroneously give to the assessee vide OIO No MP/36/Refund/10-11 dtd. 01.04.2010 by this office was required to be recovered under Section 11A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 along with applicable rate of interest.8.Therefore, M/s. Technocraft Enterprises, were called upon to portray designer to the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II as to why the refund claim of Rs. 2,31,364/- granted erroneously vide OIO No. MP/36/Refund/10-11 dated 01.04.2010 should not be recovered from them under Section 11A (1) of the Central Excise Act, 1944 along with applicable rate of interest.Defense Reply and personal audience9.The assessee vide their written submission dtd. 16.02.2012 induce drawn attention to the High Court Order dated 12.01.2011 and have stated that as the Departments tax appeal has been dismissed by the Honble High Court of Gujarat, the show cause notice may be quashed. Personal Hearing10.Personal Hearing was held on 16.02.2012. On behalf of the assessee, Shri Jay Kataria, working as an accountant with the said firm appeared for the hearing and re-iterated the submission made in their written react dated 16.02.2012. He had nothing more to add.FINDINGS11.I have carefully gone through the records of the case and the defense reply submitted during the Personal Hearing of the case. I find that the controversy involved in the present case stands cogitate against revenue by the decision of the Honble High Court vide Order dated 12.01.2011 in the Tax Appeal No. 736/2010. In the circumstances, there is no need to go into details I find that the show cause notice is not sustainable.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Mother Essay Example for Free

My Mother EssayOf altogether the persons in the world, my mother loves me most, and I also love her from the core of my heart. To me, she is like a living goddess who takes in all(prenominal) kinds of pain and care for my sake. When I am sick, she spends sleepless nights by my sick-bed. When I come first in my class exami-nation, she becomes perhaps the happiest person on earth.see moreessay on my father in marathiFrom my childhood, I have been greatly influenced by my mother. She has always guided me in the right path in every step of my life. She has taught me discipline, manners, and the sense of responsibleness towards others in the family and in the society.I remember that she used to link to me many oriental and mythological tales, when I was a child and did not know hoV to read and write. She has taught me to love my country and my countrymen. She helps me every day in preparing my home-work given by the class-teacher.My mother is an perfect woman in my life. I feel myself fortunate for being born as her son. She is very anxious(predicate) about my health, my education, and my prosperity. I feel that there is no other person nearest to the heart than a mother in this world.My mother is an affectionate and pious lady. She loves me very much. I love her, too. She takes care of all of us. She gets up early in the morning, makes our breakfast, lunch and dinner with her own hands. She looks after the cleanliness of the house and furniture, and also our vesture and health.When I fall sick, my mother passes sleepless nights by the side of my sick bed. Her anxiety and her fear melt after my recovery from illness. In my eyes, she is really an ideal mother.My mother has taught me the importance of discipline, good manners, honesty, sense of duty and reverence towards the elders in life. She also taught me to defend and help the poor and the weak, and lodge a protest against injustice.When I was just a child, my mother used to tell me many oriental and mythological tales. When I grew up a little, she taught me how to read and write. Even to this day, she helps me to prepare my homework given by my class teacher.In every matter of my life, I depend on my mothers help and guidance Her blessings are always with me.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay Example for Free

Affirmative boution EssayWith the preference of an African American as chairman, m any(prenominal) a(prenominal) would think that the question of plausive work and adequate opportunity fork out been fin entirelyy laid to lie in the united States. This perception may seem to be true for the protagonists of assentient bring through, who over the long time surrender believed that the effort for well-behaved rights and equal opportunity can only be seen to fruition if an African American emerges as President (Kamalu and Kamalu 2004). The Civil Rights movement brought issues of optimistic action to the forefront of government indemnity making, hence recounting enacted the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964 as the legal backb wizard. It was obvious that the primary role then was to create equal opportunities for minorities and the under-privileged in the society. However, as time went by and pursuance subsequent interpretations of the Act by the courts in typesetters c ases of reverse discrimination, the effect of the law on equal representation in employment, cultivation and government contracting was diminished.To this end, affirmative action became a form of preferential treatment awarded to privileged groups, a form of reverse discrimination, a denial of meritocracy and social justice (Pauwels 2011). As a matter of fact, nonage under-representation was one of the most widely discussed issues in the polity, to the consequence that President Bill Clinton in his 1995 address to Congress said the way out is to introduce the principle of race neutrality and the goal of aiding the disadvantaged into affirmative action preference programs themselves to base preferences, in education, entry level employment and public contracting, on class, non race (Kahlenberg 1995, 21), this was his response to more reverse discrimination decisions coming out of the supreme court in favor of the plaintiffs. The Bush administration however, did non improve the c ause of affirmative action, sometimes it accepted preferences and sometimes it opposed them (Clegg 2008).The question is whether the cause of affirmative action has actually changed from racial preferences to class annotation following the election of Barack Obama as President. President Barack Obama, in a speech at Osawatomie Kansas in 2011, told his audience that, this sympathetic of dissimilaritya level that we havent seen since the Great Depressionhurts us all, the in comparison that strikes him most is in the distribution of income, the provision of basic resources that will spur the economy back on track. Though it is true, as observed by Kamalu and Kamalu (2004), that the ultimate goal of the Civil Rights movement and the struggle for equal opportunity is to see an African American emerge as President, the implementation of affirmative action goes beyond the interest of the President.Pauwels (2011) observes that since an African American has been elected President, the fu ture of affirmative action is uncertain and the discussion has been distant from the public domain. Pauwels observation may be true to an extent, though the election of Barack Obama has bridged the racial gap, class distinction remains an issue for discourse. President Obamas struggle for the restoration of the middle class is proactive, and suggests that he is advised of the inequality in the society from the class structure than in the racial perspective, this concurs with Bill Clintons remarks as stated in his speech to Congress. However, in the light of the observations in Pauwel and Kathlenberg, withal in the views of the proponents of affirmative action, the election of Barack Obama as President has removed the discussion from the public domain, but he has followed the discussion in the perspective that is most expedient and conforms with his economic policies.The economic emancipation of minority groups should be the driving force of any legislation or government policy i nitiative aimed at providing equal opportunity in the society. When upper-middle-class families can no longer afford to buy the goods and services that businesses be exchange, when people are slithering out of the middle class, it drags down the entire economy from top to bottom. As Barack Obama emerged President of the United States, protagonists of polished rights and equal opportunity would have thought that he will be the champion of affirmative action, beingness of the minority stock himself.Nevertheless, he has redirected the discussion to suit the burning issue of the time the economy and distribution of income. Surprisingly, Barack Obama has not elevated the discussion of affirmative to the height and enthusiasm it was taken to by Bill Clinton, who in his speech to congress was emphatic as to the way forward stating today I am directive all our agencies to comply with the controlling Courts Adarand decision, and also to apply the four standards of fairness to all our affirmative action programs that I have already articulated no quotas in theory or practice, no illegal discrimination of any kind, including reverse discrimination no preference for people who are not qualified for any job or other opportunity and as soon as a program has succeeded, it must(prenominal) be retired.Any program that doesnt meet these four principles must be eliminated or reformed to meet them (Clinton 1995). Some scholars have posited that a major step in guaranteeing affirmative action is by winning the political war as well, by electing friends of affirmative action to the presidency, state courts, and top judicial positions and the election of judges who are judicial activists to the bench to continue to uphold the constitution to meet the needs of contemporary American society (Kamalu Kamalu 2004). This position may not eternally hold sway as we can see from the present circumstances that even those perceived to be friends of affirmative action may not be se en to further the cause so generously. Meanwhile, the emergence of an adequate black middle class also made affirmative action claims seem increasingly suspicious, climaxing with President Barack Obamas election, dubbed by some the death knell of affirmative action (Magliocca 2008).African Americans are directly gradually coming to terms that the wings of racial discrimination have been broken, and to a large extent turned to the annals of history with the election of Barack Obama as President. If the racial content of equal opportunity is undermined, as can be seen in the decisions of courts, then it is obvious that what is left in the legislation will not be for the benefit of minorities only, but for the underprivileged class in the society. Who else would have been more silent on the issue of affirmative action if not someone perceived to be a beneficiary? To many another(prenominal) Americans, affirmative action has now become irrelevant, a concept only debated in narrow a pplynish circles that cling to the outdated idea of institutionalized racism (Young 2009). Apparently, affirmative action programs have been reformulated to avoid polarization, they dont focus overtly on race and sociality, they cast the net wide so as to seem all-inclusive and they are backed up by strong court cases and judicial decisions in favor of reverse discrimination, and strong opposition for racial preferences.Opponents of affirmative action have often move on the views that the fundamental principles of capitalism and the market economy do not provide for absolute equality, it would be utopian for anyone to wish that there will be equality in the distribution of resources. Nevertheless, the struggle for equality that is grow in the civil rights movement was informed by outright racism and economic deprivation knowing through policies of government that were inherently exclusive at the time. It is this struggle for equality that is manifest in the sentience of the pe ople especially for African Americans to see the election of Barack Obama as a relief for this long struggle for racial equality and economic emancipation. The struggle for racial equality ultimately goes with so many expectations, which a lot includes getting one from the minority stock into highest position of governmental decision making.The election of Barack Obama obviously came, civil rights activists had to heave a sigh of relief and it became a turning point. It has turned out good, everyone has rested his case and the expectation is now focused on the results of the performance of the President in this regard. Immediately after the habitual election, in November 2008, a New York Times/CBS poll found that the proportion of people who believe blacks have an equal chance of getting ahead had risen to 64 per cent, up from 46 per cent in 1997 (Pauwels 2011). Clegg (2008), in his ponder was very critical of race based affirmative action, he argued that pursue the cause of aff irmative action will undermine the fundamental principles of free enterprise and the spirit of laboured work that accompanies economic independence.He went further to state that the American Dream has always been that any American can work toward the life he or she wants, and will have the opportunity and the freedom to succeed and accomplish what he or she wants in life. There will be hurdles to overcome, but one barrier that should not be there is the color of an Americans skin or where an Americans ancestors came from (Clegg 2008, 991), we all know that for many yearsfor centuriesthat dream was not allowed to many Americans. Too often discrimination because of race or ethnicality denied Americans the equality of opportunity they should have had. President Bill Clinton in 1995 restated the fundamental principles of affirmative action that the purpose is to give away our nation a way to ultimately address the systemic exclusion of individuals of talent on the floor of their ge nder or race from opportunities to develop, perform, achieve and contribute.Affirmative action is an effort to develop a systematic approach to open the doors of education, employment and business development opportunities to qualified individuals who happen to be members of groups that have experienced longstanding and persistent discrimination. Nevertheless, the Obama administration has recognized equality from the perspective of the distribution of resources not opportunities. alike(p) he said in Kansas, America was built on the idea of broad-based prosperity, of strong consumers all crosswise the country. Thats why a CEO like Henry Ford made it his mission to ease up his workers enough so that they could buy the cars he made. Its also why a recent study showed that countries with less inequality tend to have stronger and steadier economic growth over the long run.Inequality also distorts our democracy. It gives an outsized voice to the few who can afford high-priced lobbyists and unlimited campaign contributions, and it runs the risk of selling out our democracy to the highest bidder. It leaves everyone else rightly suspicious that the system in Washington is rigged against them that our elected representatives arent looking out for the interests of most Americans, this is vintage Barack Obama substantiating an argument for the sustenance of the middle class in America, knowing full well that empowering the middle class will drive the economy through increase consumption and productivity and ultimately economic growth. What is most intriguing about the arguments of affirmative action is that there is a shift of the premise due to several reasons affirmative action was supposedly temporary and targeted at the black community only in fact, these measures were extended over the years to an increasing number of youthful categories women (who are today acknowledged as being their prime beneficiaries), then most other ethnic minority groups, including new imm igrants (Pauwels 2011).Its primary rationale became blurred in 1978 when the Bakke decision shifted the goal of affirmative action from repairing past injustices against the black community to the much more ambitious and less clearly defined defense of achieving diversity (Frymer and Skrentny, 2004). Even President Bill Clinton realized this shift in his 1995 speech to congress when he said that affirmative action has not always been perfect, and affirmative action should not go on forever.It should be changed now to take care of those things that are wrong, and it should be retired when its job is done. I am opinionated that that day will come, but the evidence suggests indeed that that day has not come. However, that day finally came with the election of an African American as the President of United States, whose drive is no longer affirmative action but equality in income distribution and the provision of basic opportunities for the benefit of all and heterogeneous especially creating a formidable middle class that will cut across all races and ethnic origins.Cited WorksClegg, Roger 2008, Unfinished Business The Bush Administration and Racial Preferences Harvard diary of Law, Public Policy, 32, 971 997. Clinton, Bill 1995, Remarks by the President on Affirmative Action, Essential Speeches 2009. Academic Search Premier. Frymer, P. and Skrentny, J.D., 2004, The rise of instrumental affirmative action law and the new significance of race in America Connecticut law review, 36 (3), 677_723. Kahlenberg, Richard 1995, Class Not Race An Affirmative Action that works, The New Republic April 3, 1995. P. 21 Kamalu, Johnson and Ngozi Kamalu 2004, From Bakke to Grutter The Supreme Court and the Struggle over Affirmative Action in the Era of Globalization The Western Journal of Black Studies, 284, 489-502. Magliocca, G.N., 2008. The Obama realignment (and what comes next). Working Paper online, December 2. Available from http//ssrn.com/abstract_1310202 Obama, Bara ck 2011, The New Nationalism On the altogether and in the long run we shall go up or down together President of the United States Speech delivered at Osawatome High School, Osawatome, Kansas December 6, Pauwels, Marie Christine 2011, Does Affirmative Action have a Future in Barack Obamas America? Journal of Intercultural Studies, 323, 309-319 Young, C., 2009. Obama Race and Affirmative Action. Real clear authorities online, 27 January. http//www.realclearpolitics.com/printpage/?url_http//www.realclearpolitics. com/articles/2009/01/dnp_obama_race_and_affirmative.html

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Great Global Warming Swindle Essay Example for Free

A Great Global calefacient Swindle EssayA Great Global Warming Swindle was a docuwork forcetary which implied that the summation in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide was not the cause of the add-on in temperature. It states otherwise the change magnitude amount of carbon dioxide is itself the result of the rising temperature. Generally, the documentary asserts that man-made spheric warming is a lie. in the first place our film showing, I bring forth already watched Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth twice. A Great Global Warming Swindle presented a whole lot different view and it instead made things a little bit confusing. I used to be a hundred and hotshot percent sure that global warming is indeed mainly caused by the increased amount of glasshouse gasses in the atmosphere but after watching the documentary, well it changes things because ideas get mixed up. And now, I am being presented both ideas which atomic number 18 contradicting each other. Based on my own u nderstanding and knowledge intimately the idea, I strongly believe that carbon dioxide plays a major role in the currently speedy increase of global temperature.As far as I could remember, since elementary it has always been discussed in my apprehension class that greenhouse gasses cause global warming and that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It has been homogeneous that for like forever? My mother told me once that atomic number 53 time when she went to Baguio, snow fell. I really dont know if she was telling the truth but being a child, I believed her. When she told me that story, I guess I was 5 years old. During those times, going out in the sun during 9 oclock in the morning is quiesce safe and it wont bring you any harm. The suns rays were still friendly.Comparing those times to the present time, one would note that there were lesser vehicles electricity was not a major major commodity we have more trees and forests deforestation and kaingin were not that rampant gene rally, we were financial backing a simple, eco-friendly and less innovative kind of life. Nowadays, our way of life has improved but it had adverse effects. The one that has been greatly affected was the environment. As our way of living continues to improve, so does the temperature. The temperature improves in the way that it continues increasing.As men find ways in improving their way of living, they intentionally and unintentionally destroy the environment the increase in global temperature seems to go with it. Basing on what is happening today and on what had happened, it seems very(prenominal) logical that global warming may really be man-made. It seems to be caused greatly by mans activities. while has been destroying the Earth and global warming is one of the indicators that it is indeed in the verge of destruction. precisely the point of A Great Global Warming Swindle is that the amount of water vaporisation in the atmosphere is lots greater than the amount of carbon di oxide. So what? you may ask. It matters because, as a matter of fact, water vapor itself is a greenhouse gas. This somehow piqued my curiosity. Was I wrong for believing that global warming is man-made? To render mans curiosity there are two things, among all innovations and inventions, that were proven to be very helpful research and the internet. Though research in high school has deprived me of one instrument essential in a persons biological growth that is sleep I did a little of it to support my stand by basing on the opinions of others.Here is a summary of what I have read from different sources Although the documentary was welcomed by global warming skeptics, it was criticized by scientific organizations and individual scientists (including two of the films contributors). The films critics argued that it had misused and fabricated data, relied on out-of-date research, employed misleading arguments, and misrepresented the position of the Intergovernmental Panel on Clima te Change (Wikipedia. ) they completely misrepresented me. My views were distorted by the context in which they placed them.I was misled as to what it was going to be about. I was told about six months ago that this was to be a programme about how complicated it is to understand what is going on. If they had told me even the title of the programme, I would have absolutely refused to be on it. I am the one who has been swindled (Professor Carl Wunsch, Pure Propaganda The Great Global Warming. ) In other words, carbonic acid gas does not initiate the warmings, but acts as an amplifier once they are underway. (Professor Severinghaus, Pure Propaganda The Great Global Warming. ) agree to some, the documentary might have wrongly presented or misinterpreted the ideas of the scientists and the data they have gathered. They might have bedcover absurd arguments and have caused great confusion, especially to the viewers. To others, the documentary might have been enlightenment to what is really happening. But in the end, it is up for us to choose which side we are going to believe. It does not matter if you are the only one who seems to have a different view compared to others. Always remember, there are no wrong opinions only those that oppose everyone elses.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Handling Multicultural Environment Essay Example for Free

Handling Multi heathen Environment EssayAny undivided favorableisation is multidimensional, and in this time of globalization, plenty belonging to various cultures are sharing common workplace where they are enclose to inter practise with one another. This situation certainly calls for a thorough training on cultural faculty for all members of any(prenominal) multicultural organization, and especially for the managers who have the job to unify all employees aims and aspirations with the goals of their company. Such a task is easier said than done as in that location is plethora of instances where cultural difference has shattered the dreams of the company. However, there is no dearth of opposite instances too, where successful implementation of multicultural philosophy has brought in sustain equal to(p) militant advantage for the companies. In either way, this state of affairs substantiates the importance of seriously considering organization as culture and adopting right steps to achieve the status of a true-blue multicultural organization. With this point of view, this paper explores how the organizations good deal impart quality training to their managers, besides evaluating the efficacy of the established theories/ideas on this issue, before reaching its avouch conclusion.Multicultural Environment Any workplace comprising of employees from more than one culture tramp be called a multicultural organization. Here the word culture contains several interpretation, though in general, it speak somewhat a package of perception, belief and acquired behavioral service, containing elements like learned and shared values, beliefs and behaviors to a particular group of people (Yamashita, 2004). On the other hand, multiculturalism is a Doctrine asserting value of different cultures coexisting within single society globally, vision of cultural diversity deliberately fostered and protected (Globalization, 2000).In plain words, it is a belief of aligning various cultures to serve a common purpose. Common Problems in Multicultural Environment Problems communicate when cultural difference and consequently, difference in perception about a particular issue/act/custom/or policy stands between the individuals or groups. Such situations can occur anytime at any multicultural set up, which can begin with little differences like meaning of a word, eating habits, or religious practice, whatever, and that can fuel a bigger set of difference, if not timely diffused.For example, the word, monkey contains glimmering of racism in some parts of the gentlemans gentleman, mend it is only a simple definition of hierarch in the other. Now if someone from that special part of the world is called a monkey, s/he susceptibility react furiously, no matter how innocent the caller is. Understandably, such channel noises , are the outcome of ones ignorance about others culture. Specific Problems in Multicultural Environment This takes place when cultur al difference puts spanner in the process of work.This too, can emerge out of various situations like managers or employees biases about their culture, or from ignorance about what delegacy what. It is not uncommon for a manager to find difficulty in catering a multicultural audience at one go, if some of the members do not understand managers spoken language, or their idioms hold out idiotic to their ears. This again points towards the importance of grooming to the tune of multicultural philosophy. Theories for Help No matter how more than humans developed their science and technology, they are yet to discover a device that would be able to interpret ones thought for another.It is for this reason, the age-old art and science of effective dialogue still works wonders for both sphere of life and it is in fact the oxygen of any multicultural organization. Thus it would be apt(p) to mention about two such theories out of many, to explain how theories can save the day for the mana gers of multicultural organizations. What these theories do is, they form the foundation of understanding among humans, which is the prime condition to rise above any cultural biases and to accept the fact that humans are all equal at their basements.ERG Theory This is an improvised adaptation of Abraham Maslows (1908-1970) famous model of Hierarchy of Needs (Maslows, 2008), created by Clayton Alderfer after prolonged research, which adds more flexibility in determining the needs of an individual, which it does by reorienting the elements from Maslows model into three segments like Existence (E) It involves physiological and safety needs. Relatedness (R) It contains social and external esteem needs. Growth (G) Self-actualization and internal esteem needs. (ERG, 2007).Claytons model allows to set the order of needs fit in to the existing need structure of an employee, besides providing the scope to pursue different needs simultaneously. Accordingly, company can motivate any indi vidual on any of the E, R or G needs while minding after an individuals E need (say, where an employee needs a safety measure), the company can look after the same individuals R needs (like awarding her for her achievement) and G needs (inducting the individual in the presuppose tank of the department).Expectancy Value Theory Founded by Martin Fishbein in the 1970-s, suggesting that people mould themselves to the world in accordance with their expectations/beliefs and military ranks (Expectancy, 2004). This serves as a pointer to the fact that behavior or behavioral intentions or attitudes educate out of expectancy and evaluation, where the expectancy is an idea about a situation or object and evaluation is ones estimation about the impact of that idea/situation/object on any plane.Theories Groom fantasyIf the entire team of a workplace can adopt a vision in the dead of the Expectancy Value Theory, where they would expect that they are devoted to the collective goal. Once arm ed with this vision, the following areas of communication would definitely take a new turn as the outcome of reorientation of ones approach to the world Intrapersonal communication The vision would make the employee think like Im attached to an important organ of the society and consequently I have more responsibility to meet its expectations.Communication with clients The vision will make the employees more patient and taking interest in communicating with clients belonging to another culture. Team Communication there would be less conflict of ego or other minor areas of personal interests, as the greater cause will influence all members to align their approach towards the perceived goal (achieving high standards of service).

Friday, April 5, 2019

Customer Delight In Banking Sector Marketing Essay

guest hex In Banking Sector Marketing EssayOne important question which arises in all(prenominal) genius managers mind is how he/she raft leave an ever lasting mark in the mind of a client, to make sure he/she comes back and re importants loyal to ones arrangement. outright as run singularity bearing has shortened, every bingle Bank is providing the equivalent go resembling its competitor. The only solution for the express question is to enliven the nodes, which competitors and said deposes commence failed to do so. Achieving the guest en joyment and accept requires the organization to ascertain that it is dynamic and merely represents moving tar wins or ambitions. However, there is no flat target to accomplish client wassail.This is the age of node enjoyment where guests receive much(prenominal) than they deserved or view ever imagined. node ravish in banking sector was neer looked till at a time, as we stir found out how the forecast holder of banks can be enamoured not just by their utilitys and by go acrossing beyond the first moments of the customers.Our research started with exploratory investigation to indentify the elements, which create cheer in the mind of customers, which enable us to create a customer make merry model with eight-spot-spot variables. They father the fundamentals of a customer interest model. outrage model was tested on Bank news report holders, which provided us the no-hit validation of our research.Customer savor model in Banking provides fundamental elements for creating customer delight for the Bank describe holders as Management can focus on eight variables for making sure the customers rebriny loyal and remain profitable for the organization.Keywords Customer whoop it up, Beyond Customer blessedness, revel is bankingTable of circumscribeTable of Contents 3INTRODUCTION 4Literature Review 6 question Methods 16Qualitative emergence of Delight measure 16Exploratory probe 1 6Focused Interviews 16Insights from Exploratory Investigation 17Insight from Focus Interviews 17Establishing of Customer Delight pretense 18Customer Delight Model 19Quantitative Testing of Delight measures 21Empirical Study 21 data Collection 21Respondents profile 2124Data Analysis 24CONCLUSION AND incoming RESEARCH 28References 29INTRODUCTIONThe authors investigated the construct and factors which act delighting the customers in banking. Exploratory research investigated the factors and elements, which testament create customer delight, researched found on focused group interviews, which lead to establishing a customer delight model and later on tested on 300 respondents. This recognized a concrete made validation of the customer delight model.For establishing a delight model, Customer delight researched based on eight variables, which were investigated by asking open ended questions from various customers, which brought them to the produce where they exhaust mat oer exci te from work or in other words felt joyful from Bank helpers. Once completely the data was gathered then every conclude was categorized into Specific categories, which brought us the eight variables. These brought the customer delight in the mind of customer from bank service.Can bank delight its customers with its services? Seems like a simple question just now in fact is a hard one to solving as every single bank is providing the aforesaid(prenominal) service and life cycle of creating competitive boundary line which has shortened a mileCurrently banks ar concentrating on agreeable the customer from their services but in todays fast moving world, customers cant only be satisfied in just 1 single way in order to remain royal to the bank as all the banks are providing the homogenous services. Even if a single bank comes with unique service then its competitive improvement life time shortens as all follow suit.If the customers cannot remain loyal by creation permanentl y satisfied then how can they bend (removed word) permanently loyal to their bank? The solution to that is to delight the customers from their services, promptly how banks can delight the customer? This, the banks are still unable to discover, this is what actually our research is all about. 8 variables filtered by our initial exploratory research, create the customer delight in the mind of bank account holders from their banks. We emphasize that if these 8 variables are implemented in banking system for their customer it depart create delight and will create an ever lasting effect on the customer, instead of all of the banks providing same services which can not create a room for halting the change faithfulness from one bank to another.Customer satisfaction the individuals perception of the public presentation of the return or service in relation to his or her expectations (Schiffman and kanuk, 2004) era has end and now customer delight profoundly positive horny situation by and large toping from having ones expectations go beyond to a surprising degree. (Oliver, corrode, and Varki 1997) has started implementing on customers retention.Customer delight is the ever long-lasting answer to succeeder. Customer cannot be captivated if until or unless he/she is not satisfied from the presented services, the factors or eliminates of delightness comes after the fulfilling of satisfying consumer inescapably. The delighted customer is to a greater extent valuable for the company as it will help the organization to contest with its competitors.The age of customer delight has started where a customers satisfaction is no longer considered as Bank supremacy or the service provided by it. Competitive edge is no longer applicable because almost every bank is providing the same services in term of flavor as well as in quantity. The passing which makes mingled with the banks success is how they fulfill their customer infallible services at the time when they required the most. Customer delight creates the ever lasting edge for the bank in Red Ocean of banking sector.Now the question arises on how to delight the customer when every bank is providing the same services which cannot be howling(a) from each other. This question has a unique set of characteristics because it contains the customer delight process which has never been researched until now. Delighting a customer is not just a simple question to answer because customer delight is not just for overall customers its for every individual customer of the bank.Literature ReviewDelighting the customer is very disputable topic as critics has suggested that if once raised the customer expectation bar, later it obtains impossible to pose same level of experience to that customer, which in long run will also hurt the companys reputation as explained by Oliver and out of practice(p) 2000.Customer delight is a rising concept in marketing and little(a) work has yet been done on it. As such, no consensus is reached about delight but it is slackly posited as customer response to unexpectedly good performance from a service unassailable (Keiningham and Vavra 2001 Kumar 1996).Customer satisfaction is extensively recognized as a key authority in the formation of customers afterlife purchase intent (Taylor Baker, 1994).According to Patterson (1997) customer delight involves going beyond satisfaction to delivering what can be best described as a pleasurable experience for the client.Michael Arthur Johnson explained on his customer delight website that When slightly one create WOW then you have place a very special pegleg in the recollection of the customer that is easy to recollect. It creates the opportunity of the customer branching the story regarding their WOW misadventure to umpteen friends, acquaintances and strangers. It creates the free publicity that you cant place a temporary value to.Customer delight creates a cycle of coming back again and again for the customer. It creates the word of mouth publicity to fellate new customers without spending any extra money on advertisement. It brings the firm at the top of the harken among the competitors with a unique place in the mind of customers and differentiates one firm from the rest. It permits you to sell your products or services for additional money than the competition. It allows you to make extra return on your investment.Delighted customers are those where you foresee their needs present solutions to them before they request and where you monitor to see if new or supplementary expectations are obligatory to be deployed. Whats wrong with just providing the customer service to customers when they require as explained by Michael Arthur Johnson.Michael Arthur Johnson says the difference between success and failure is only customer delight.Traditionally delight has been thought of a blend of joy and surprise (Kumar, A., Olshavsky, R.W. and King, M.F. (2001). However a recent stud y suggests that customer can be delighted without being surprised (Kumar et al., 2001). Although joy remains an important element of delight, the study suggests that a greater number of plenty are exhilarated, thrilled and to a lesser extent exuberant (Kumar et al., 2001).Satisfied customers are not inescapably leave with a firm they are purely at ease. Delighted customers on the other sacrifice have greater admiration for the firm and its services. Paul (2000) states Unfortunately, people dont talk about adequate service. Instead, they tell anyone who will listen about really bad or really delightful services.Paul says that delight generate to a greater extent positive word -of- Mouth for the company. Being only satisfied with a firms product or services does not necessarily mean that customer will prefer the company or rejects it but its just simple expression of acceptance. Delighting customers is about providing a product and services that are big and stimulates customers o ption towards a firm or its services.Companies are also realizing that loosing a customer means loosing more than(prenominal) than a single sale it means loosing the entire flow of purchases by the customer made over a lifetime of purchase. It has also been anticipated that as the level of satisfaction increases, so does customer become loyal to the firms product and services (Kotler and Amstrong 2001).Kumar et al., 2001 explain that these studies found that customers who where extremely satisfied were more loyal than customers who says they where satisfied.From many an(prenominal) years customer satisfaction is used for the indicator of organization wellness and success. In recent propagation it has been argued that in order to succeed in red Blue Ocean of competitive environment it become a necessity to do more than just satisfy the customer but now organizations have to delight the customer for staying alive in the competition.. Delighting customers is a splendid ideal, but w hat kind of blow does it have on the company? Does customer delight lead to increased success and good monetary health of the firm?According to Rust and Oliver (2000) Research reviewed here strongly suggests that delight cannot be accomplish without amazingly positive levels of performance, which as noted previously, require additional effort on the part of the firm or its agents. As Rust and Oliver (2000) explain that delighting the customer for organization can be harmful as the expectation of the customer extends and the customer does not get the level of services he is expecting from the organization. In the end the customer become dissatisfied from the organization.Satisfied customers will also tell others about their favorable experiences and therefore bring together in positive word of mouth advertising (Richens, 1983 File Prince, 1992). Customers, who are dissatisfied, are most liable(predicate) to switch brands and become active in the negative word of mouth advertiseme nt of the brand. Furthermore, behaviors such as replicate purchase and word-of-mouth straight influence the feasibility and profitability of a firm (Dabholkar, P.A., Thorpe, D.I. and Rentz, J.O, 1996), A study was conducted by the Levesque and McDougall (1996) confirms and resistant the idea that unsatisfactory customer service results in a swan of customer satisfaction and hesitation to recommend the services to others. This would lead to large number of customer teddy rate of customer to another brand as well as the negative word of mouth.A well known academic article on customer delight is by Oliver, Rust and Varki (1997). The authors give delight both hypothetical and an applied perspective, Delight appears as resulting from a Blend of joy and arousal. In their article they have presented a model and a test which has both delight sequence and a satisfaction sequence which leads to intentions of the customers. Model was tested using cardinal consumption experiences a recreat ional wildlife ancestor park and a symphony concert. In the test the direct and indirect effects on both consumption experiences and on intentions of delight were not constant to its experiences. His indicates the probable effect of the moderating variables on the impact of delight on behavioral intentions.The model tested in Oliver, Rust and Varki is essentially a abstract psychological model of the process of delight that can occur within consumption experiences of the customers. From the model of Oliver, Rust and Varki (1997) provide the evidence that delight has three direct antecedents such as Surprising consumption, Arousal or Heightened activation and Positive affect, all these three leads to customer delight. Model develops new insight concerning that produce delight when situation triggers surprise in a content of positive effect and arousal.The conservative wisdom is that if you have satisfied customers then you will have loyal customers. It sounds right, but actually it s wrong said by Dr. John T. Self. Not only satisfaction of customer can create loyalty but its more than just satisfying the customers. As further he explains that in his opinion loyalty frequently develops when customers get concerned with the company over the ordinary transaction. Means that all the companies are providing the homogenous services and now customers require other than normal services provided by the company. Hence, customers looking beyond expects more from the services so that they can feel delight and be over whelmed.Berman, B. (2005), suggested that organization have to do more than what the customer expects from them and delighting the customer rather than just satisfying them. Berman differentiate customer delight and satisfaction. As satisfaction allude to the meeting the expectation of the customers or exceeding their expectations as customer delight on the other march on customers receive a positive surprise or delight that is afar their expectations. Whil e comparing the satisfaction, customer delight is more toward the customer positive and stimulated response against the service. In customer delight the emotional response as compare to the satisfaction has less memory for customer as compare to the delight.Delight a phenomenon that represents the full(prenominal)est level of satisfaction, leading to a stronger intent to repurchase (Jones and Sasser 1995).Customer delight has never happened without high performance and such performance brings not only benefits to customers but also makes them excited (Kwong and Yau 2002).To delight customers, it necessitates a maestro and endless effort from firms to deliver extraordinarily high-quality services. This effort has to be recognized and cherished by customers.The major(ip) reason to chase delighted customers is the belief that they are more profitable to serve because they are more loyal, that is to say, they tend to have a stronger intent to repurchase. In general, they are apostles who give unfailing support to the firm (Oliver H. M. Yau and Kenneth K. Kwong 2007).Behaviourally, delighted customers tend to view the firm positively and prefer to buy from it (Keiningham et al. 1999 Schneider and Bowen 1999).Rust et al has stated monetaryly, this preference translates to a profit and represents a stream of future income to the focal firm (Rust et al. 1994).In sum, these positive propositions necessitate that customer delight is a valuable craft goal to pursuit (Rust and Oliver 2000). Customer service is what organization do for the customers but customer delight is what the customer has experience when he has been indulgence with way he wanted to. Customer delight does not come from giving additional services but comes from the quality of services make available to customer at the time he or she required most.Opportunities to delight customers also lay in service provider capability to go above and beyond in service delivery. Long-term relationships with cust omers offer the opportunity, through privateized service, to go beyond the customers expectations and delight them (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003),Delight is more likely to occur in state where customers are vastly involved, where service quality is uneven, and where overwhelmingly olympian performance is unexpected (Oliver et al., 1997). According to Peter, P.J. and Olson, J.C. (1996) Pre-purchase prospect are beliefs about predictable performance of the product disconfirmation delight to the variation between pre-purchase prospect and post purchase perception.Customer satisfaction is usually illustrate as the full meeting of ones expectations (Oliver,1980).but Delight is a positive consequence of exceeding the customers expectations (Keiningham and Vavra, 2001),Customer delight create the difference between the only satisfied customer and overwhelmed customer who are more loyal to organization mother fucker Mitchells latest book Hug Your Customers (2003) provides many instances tha t illustrate the long-term financial benefits that derive from construction those emotional bonds with customers. He suggests that competitive advantage is built in the course of providing both physical and psychological hugs to customers, eventually delighting them with consistent, zealous and committed customer service.Delighted customers are more likely to inform others that they are delighted, which in turn may draw other consumers to do business with that organization. The delighted customers might also be more likely to increase their own spending with the delighting organization, and pose increased customer faithfulness (Keiningham and Vavra, 2001).The incident of delighted customers to repeat a purchase is known to be about six times more than satisfied customers (Reichheld and Sasser 1990). It represents the highest level of satisfaction, leading to a stronger intent to repurchase (Jones and Sasser 1995).Customer delight is never happened without high performance and suc h performance brings not only benefits to customers but also makes them excited (Kwong and Yau 2002).This effort has to be acknowledged and appreciated by customers. Customer delight is, therefore, defined as an emotional response creating a much pleasured state concerning a firms soaring performance in service delivery, which is then highly praised (Kwong 2006).Behaviorally, delighted customers tend to view the firm positively and prefer to buy from it (Keiningham et al. 1999 Schneider and Bowen 1999).Financially, this preference translates to a profit and represents a stream of future income to the focal firm (Rust et al. 1994).Long-term relationships with customers present the opportunity, through personalized service, to go beyond the customers expectations and delight them (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003).Therefore, despite the fact that delighting the customer can be a profitable business dress (Rust and Oliver, 2000),Delight is going beyond simply satisfying the customer to deliv ering a higher level of satisfaction through exceeded expectations (Oliver et al., 1997). This concept of a higher-level of satisfaction is seen by many practitioners as the way to provide a distinct advantage to the company that does it first and does it well consistently (Chandler, C.H. 1989, p. 30, quoted in Oliver et al., 1997).Delighted customers are more likely to tell others that they are delighted, which in turn may lure other consumers to do business with that organization. The delighted customers may also be more likely to boost their own spending with the delighting organization, and exhibit increased customer loyalty (Keiningham and Vavra, 2001).Prof. Kano, the Kano Model categorizes customer needs into three types of feature. Customers are asked a serial publication of questions that identify the importance of their needs and the following typology of features can be arrived at durability of a railroad car might be considered Basic qualities. They do not satisfy when present, but do dissatisfy when absent. (Elmar Sauerwein, Franz Bailom, Kurt Matzler, Hans H. Hinterhuber 1996)Oliver, Rust and Varki (1997) squabble that delight is a combination of pleasure and arousal (whereas satisfaction is a mixture of pleasure and disconfirmation), and show that both satisfaction and delight can manipulate repatronage intentions.According to Berry, L.L., Parasuraman, A. Zeithaml, V.A. (1988) service quality has become a great competitor and the most powerful competitive weapon which many leading service organizations possess. Service business success has been associated with the ability to deliver superior service (Gale, 1990 Rudie Wansley, 1984).Leading service organizations progress to to maintain a superior quality of service in an effort to gain customer loyalty (Zeithaml Bitner, 1996).Evaluating the impact of service quality through customer retention will help companies to gauge the financial impact of service quality (Zeithaml et al., 1996).Custome r satisfaction no longer constitutes the convincing focus for success it has been replaced by customer delight (Brown, W.S., Bowen, D.E. Swartz, T.A. 1992).In todays competitive environment, customers expectations and technological innovation demand that service leading distinguish them selves from the competition by truly delighting the customer (Kandampully, 1997).Customers perception of exceptional service is often associated with the personal interaction of the employees (Kandampully, 1993). Services management literature has repeatedly emphasized the significance of the benevolent element in the delivery of higher service (Crosby Stephens, 1987 Gronroos, 1990b Parasuraman et al., 1985 Solomon, m.r., Surprenant, c., Czepiel, j.a. Gutman,(1985)).We now live in a service economy where relationships are becoming more important than physical products (Albrecht Zemke, 1985a), in terms of both our business and our personal lives. transmission line is nothing but relationship (M cCormick, M. 1988) and, within service industries, this relationship is an interactive process (Booms Bitner, 1981).The challenge for todays organizations is not merely to reach the top, but to stay there. If that is an organizations aim, its primary focus should be not just to attract customers, but to gain their loyalty and, thus, their patronage, not merely for the current, but also for the long term. This loyalty, however, is the end result of an on-going, long-term relationship. Such relationships are founded on an organizations ability to maintain and extend its relationships with customers (Gummesson, 1994). According to Levitt (1983), buyer seller interaction is similar to a marriage the quality and duration, however, depends predominantly which the organization manages the relationship. Customer supplier relationships are central to exceeding customer expectations (Parasuraman et al., 1991c).Thus, it is apparent that customers cannot try out services they purchase a servic e prior to experiencing it and must trust it to deliver the perceived service promise (Berry Parasuraman, 1992).According to Kanos theory of winning quality (2001), success cannot be gained only by listening to what customers say. What needs to be gained is a deeper under-standing of the customers potential needs. He has described the factors that influence customer purchase decisions as a model with three main factors basic (must-be), performance (more is better or one-dimensional) and delight (excitement or attractive). Additional factors are indifferent and reverse, but these add relatively little to this context. The basic factor must be met otherwise the customer will react with disappointment or disgust. If all basic factors are met, the customer reaction is neutral.Research for the most part supports the claim that word of mouth is more influential on behavior than other marketer-controlled sources. Indeed, it has been observed that WOM can be more influential than neutra l print sources such as which and Consumer Reports (Herr, P.M., Kardes, F.R. and Kim, J. (1991).Arndt, J. (1967) was one of the earliest researchers into the influence of WOM on consumer behavior. He characterized WOM as verbal, person-to-person communication between a recipient and a communicator whom the receiver perceives as non-commercial, concerning a brand, product or service.Customer delight can be defined as an emotion, characterized by high levels of joy and surprise, felt by a customer towards a company or its offering (product/ service) (Kumar 1996). Thus, customer delight is defined as a rather positive emotional state towards the purchase/consumption experience, generally derived from the surprisingly positive disconfirmation level of perceived performance (Oliver et al. 1997 Rust and Oliver 2000). Delight would be characterized as an emotion made up of cognitive and emotive aspects, including here surprise (Kumar 1996). In this sense, Izard, Carroll E. (1977), clarifi es that even the cognitive concepts inherent in satisfaction and, consequently, in customer delight such as need and desire -, and its comparative standards are considered affective by nature or, at least, as having an affective component.The differentiation basically occurs at an arousal level of the positive emotional response at a low level there lies satisfaction at a high level, delight (Oliver and Westbrook 1993).As Plutchiks, Robert (1980) research and the circumflex model of emotions appears to be one of the earliest and most common source for labeling delight as a mixture of joy and surprise, we review the work of which led Plutchik to conclude that delight was comprised of joy and surprise.Plutchik carried out two studies to determine what emotions resulted from the different combination of pairs of basic emotions. Basic emotions were supposed to be emotions that were instinctual and universal among all the human begins (or even among all mammals) and Plutchik had eight e motions which were considered basic and made up one layer of his circumflex model of emotion.Research MethodsQualitative Development of Delight measureExploratory InvestigationTill now the literature for customer satisfaction has only been studied and proved but the customer delight has never been researched upon. For sound abstract background and for investigation of customer delight in the banking sector, qualitative study was undertaken to investigate the delight concept especially in the minds of their customers.Almost all the banks are providing homogenous services our main emphasis is on the customer reaction towards the services provided and the experience they faced when they felt excited and delighted from their banks. Focus interviews with the customers was the main part of our research. This provided us with the exact moment or situation, which created customer delight in the mind of a customer.Creating the base for our focused interviews, we distributed an open ended qu estionnaire, in which the customers were asked to write down the situation where they felt excited or delighted by the service which their respective bank has provided to them when they really required it. We received many situations described by the customer, where they received the service which made them delighted or when they felt excited. Every single response was carefully studied and put under a category, where situations were the same.Focused InterviewsFocused interviews consisted of respondents from all walks of life including Housewives, Businessman, Employees, and students. Every focused interview was based on the category which responded a particular response in the questionnaires.Discussions regarding their response to the questionnaire provided the opportunity for the respondent to explain in detailregarding their moment(removed letter) of getting excited or delighted from their banks service. Discussions were based to bring the respondent to the exact reason or moment on why the customer felt delighted. Every respondent was provided the opportunity to elaborate their experience to reach the moment or reason of delight that they felt from the service.Insights from Exploratory InvestigationFrom the exploratory investigation a remarkably completely different flesh of customer delight came out, which was totally different from the nominal services provided by the banks to the customers. Account holders were satisfied from the service provided by the bank as almost all the banks are providing the same type and quality of services but what made the customers delighted, were the occasion when they were offered or received an out the way service from their bank ,which they never expected or ever received before.All the delights of the customers were situations and occasions based on what they had experienced in their daily routine. Outcomes were categorized into the related fields as to what made a customer feel delight from the service.Insight from Fo cus InterviewsInterviews were summarized in categories of the situation or the time when a customer felt delighted from the banks service.Outcomes were surprising as the customers felt delighted not from the homogeneous services provided by the banks but from the acts which customer had received from the banks other than their normal routine practice.Account holders explained in detail regarding the situations that they have felt from their bank, which caused delight. Customers replies were investigated to reach the exact moment in the time in which they received a delightful service from their bank.As the respondents were from different walks of life so their perception toward delight were also different. If the respondent was already getting same service from his bank then there was no reason to be delighted from the instrument we have purposed. Reactions were very important of customer toward the situation they were asked about, as delight is all about the over whelming experienc e for the customer.Every focused interview session were categories under eight variables, which become the fundamental elements of the customer delight model. Respondent reached the concession that eight variables, which were the outcome from the exploratory studies were eliminates, made them delight from the service.Establishing of Customer Delight ModelAfter completing the focused interviews and gathering the data of the interviews, we came to an understanding on how to establish the customer delight model as per the outcome of the respective customers interview.Model, which consists of eight variables, was sub defined as per the perception of the respondents. Among these eight variables, six of them had clear understanding in the minds of the customers that it is the factor or eleme